A dire la verità – possiamo essere tutti un po’ cinico a volte, ma a volte è divertente in modo che quelle pensieri . Being cinico non necessariamente indica being negative, and our 10 i migliori Incontri cinici siti blog tendono ad essere prova di questo.

Oggigiorno stiamo adottando quelli con una irriverente!

Incontri con Catastrophes and Delights

Vantarsi Rights: le sfuriate di una signora

Da Dating Disasters e Delights arriva gli alti e bassi di una signora cercando amore in tutto inappropriato luoghi. Jillian condivide the lady crazy trip with audience ed è impenitente e senza esclusione di colpi su amore davvero, sesso e relazione. Ben noto post include “Psycho-Chicks quindi il Men Exactly who Create Them “e” stare alla larga getting Fooled da un falso Profilo. “

Social Clout: 896+ fans, 144+ Mi piace

Address : http://datingdisastersanddelights.com/

Datari inquietanti

Vantarsi Rights: dal bizzarro con decisamente strano

Dopo correndo fino in fondo “ogni finale strano entro un raggio di 50 miglia distanza (e qualche volta farther afield), “Jemma James banged off the woman hilarious web site diretto a la ridicolaggine di travestiti incontri Milano online. Vedere numerosi stravaganti fare uno sforzo per sedurre la signora dentro in linea messaggio. James utilizza questi incidenti per la donna beneficio, decorazione un definito map degli archetipi di modern internet dating e quali altri femmine dovrebbero astenersi da.

Social Clout: 781+ followers, 17+ Mi piace

URL : http://www.creepydaters.com/

I Probabilmente non lo faremo Come te

Vantarsi di liberties: esplorare il insolito mondo di siti di incontri online

Con un killer nome, questo blog promesse e fornisce tutti follia che viene fornito con siti di incontri online. Readers può digest posts like “I had no clue Shrek era effettivamente bisessuale “e segui vari strani pagine per evitare e apprezzare per il area ” C’è ragioni perché tu single . ” Bonus: strepitoso content with semplicemente un pizzico di calore e nostalgia.

Social Clout: 652+ followers

URL : http://iprobablywontlikeyou.com/

Con gioia Cinico

Vantarsi libertà: celebrare arguzia e ironia

“residente il valutato vita” sarà il mentalità dietro Happily Cynical. Questo unico spot in realtà scomposto in un mosaico di immagini, idee e saggi su amore davvero dentro 21st millennio. Soggetti come “Non lo faccio Voglio ottenere Sposato “e” gente guardato My personal Boobs. E onestamente, Davvero non Cura “consegnare un po’ meditabondo voce vivo.

Personal Clout: 269+ supporters

URL : http://www.happilycynical.com/

Brand New City Woman On Matchmaking

Vantarsi liberties: il dating diary di a city woman

New City female On Dating functions as an inside ricerca la longevità di una signora inglese discovering the jagged obstacle training course this is certainly love. Lissa Reed delivers a fearless model of sincerity to articles like “Are We also Eager?” and “When Is It too early to obtain Excited?” This fairly brand new blog makes a large influence quickly through profoundly personal material from a really funny number.

Social Clout: 51+ Bing fans, 26+likes

Address: http://www.newcitygirlondating.blogspot.co.uk/

The Cynical Review

Bragging Rights: how Ny men make us cynical

Those two gals discovered a very clear cause of their unique web log’s cynicism: the men of brand new York City. Posts are amusing and related, such as “All My personal Exes reside in Texts: Why the Social Media Generation not really Breaks upwards,” and “It’s Not said to be This heavy.” The content is actually tightly composed with just adequate sour flavor.

Address: http://thecynicalreview.wordpress.com/

Sexless and Cynical

Bragging liberties: she likes complaining and cheese

Sexless and Cynical is actually house for Meri’s writing and artwork, all dependent around finding really love and pleasure despite it’s prospective unlikeliness. Her incredible comic sections bring the articles your, with subjects like “internet dating: The Saga Continues” while the series “steps to make practical relationships.”

Address: http://sexlessandcynical.blogspot.com/

Misadventures in Atlanta

Bragging liberties: an Atlanta matchmaking world blog

Misadventures in Atlanta comes from the Atlanta diary Constitution, where in fact the Wise Diva spoons out internet dating tips and insight with an extremely cynical strategy. Subject areas tend to be irreverent, like “will we want Someone Freaky?” and “Do Women need to Smile constantly?” The entire archive runs back again to March 2009 with honest discussion from an active adult readership.

URL: http://blogs.ajc.com/

The Impossible Lady Blog

Bragging Rights: existence alongside calamities

Within difficult Girl weblog, an unnamed writer discusses the boring and ridiculous activities of online dating in digital globe. The majority of the content is drawn around pop society, such as movies and TV. Content articles are cynically skewered inside Liebster Award-nominated web site. From “The Great Gatsby” to ComicCon, artwork and humanity is actually accepted throughout the kinds.

Address: http://theimpossiblegirlblog.wordpress.com/

The Franichles

Bragging liberties: random musings of a single white feminine

At Franichles, we find the haphazard stories of a cynical and snarky lady. As she alerts, this site is not suitable the faint of cardiovascular system or quickly upset. From bearded girls to “Ren & Stimpy,” she dissects the woman activities of internet dating with cutting criticism and unflinching sincerity. She’s off to get a hold of a high-caliber guy, no matter if it kills the girl.

URL: http://thefranichles.wordpress.com/

Photo supply: lawrencewilson.com.